
crop up 突如出現する

crop up は突然現れる、 0:29 the statues have cropped up in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Seattle and New York City. トランプの裸像はアメリカの各地に突如として現れた。

Nude Trump Statues Pop Up In US Cities | MSNBC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSmwmPXRQP0  4:40 you know Anna, you're right. business has cropped up since we took over and if we get that wedding function, we'll actually be turning a profit. can you believe?
Hope Springs | Episode 3 | Part 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc2EBAELOGU  1:03 it looks like nobody in Europe seems have any idea about the independence referendum happening in Venice at the moment but it's not something that has suddenly cropped up. as a matter of fact the movement and the idea of the referendum for independence has been floating around in the region for several decades at this point. ベニス独立にかけての国民投票はぽっと湧いたアイデアではない。br /> Independence from Rome! Venice floating away unnoticed as Crimea steals show
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYvKB4yBPA4  0:40 the wages they provide are nowhere never a living wage. workers still have to struggle very hard to make a living and they're still working 10 to 12 hours a day under quite oppressive and stringent conditions. that's why you see these disputes cropping up time and time again. iPhoneを製造している鴻海のフォックスコンが労働者に支払う給金は生活していくのに十分な額ではないし、労働者たちは過酷な条件化で一日に10時間12時間も働かされる。だから、フォックスコンの工場ではストが多発する。
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