
stretcher vs gurney

stretcher は怪我人や病人を運ぶ担架であるのに対して、gurney は死体を運ぶ担架で、区別せずに使われることが多い。gurney には薬殺刑を執行するときの処刑台(テーブル)の意味もある。やや似たような例として、救急車 vs 霊柩車がある。救急車は怪我人や病人の搬送に使われ、死人を運ぶことはない。死人を運ぶのは霊柩車の仕事だ。0:28 this patient being carried away on a stretcher.

Home Explodes With Residents Trapped Inside
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1es9MZyyPOA  0:25 You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They'd be carried out on a stretcher, folks. このような会場であんな騒ぎを起こすような奴らは、昔なら病院送りになったものさ。
Donald Trump Says He’d Like to Punch a Protester in the Face
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlENw7FXfTs  0:22 the American pilot Michael Durant was wheeled out of the US field hospital on a gurney.
'Black Hawk Down' pilot: 'In my mind, I wa...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-vyTedIjgo  1:30 he was taken out on a gurney.
'My Brain Isn't OK' WWE Star Daniel Bryan Quits After Suffering Concussions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m5hlUfPl0o  0:59 she was put in a neck brace and wheeled to an ambulance on a gurney.
Courtside Dangers Exposed After Golf Pro's Wife is Slammed By LeBron James
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gx-OtTL23fQ  8:11 he watched him die on the gurney.
The Wrong Carlos: Did Texas Execute an Innocent Man?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiuYVWO3bck  3:16 on this gurney, the state disposes of those deemed incurable monsters in the eyes of the Lord by means of lethal injection.アリゾナ州は更生不可能な凶悪犯たちをこの処刑台の上で薬殺してきた。
Inside America's Capital Punishment Crisis

a-3845 on stretchers
a-4259 he's on a stretcher. 写真を見ると左半身が麻痺している。歩行中に脳卒中 stroke で倒れたのだろう。