
over and out 通信終わり

over and out は意味が重複していますが、言わんとすることは通信や交信、発言を終わりにすると言うことです。5:45 over and out! 発言は以上であります!注;まさににその通りです。

Christ's Sacrifice..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=camtltmDOiQ  16:50 thank you. over and out. over and out. thank you very very much. じゃ、切るね。こっちも切るね。
Derren Brown ~ Apocalypse ~ Full Pt 2 ~ 47 Min 36 Sec
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGkK-FdV6XI  1;19:48 James, I'll debrief you personally as soon as you hit port. over and out. 帰港後直ちに報告せよ。以上だ。  
Crash Dive - Michael Dudikoff (Full Movie)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErLt-H3VALQ  2:23 the Mexico is not gonna pay for the wall. end of discussion. over and out. next subject.
‘Mexico is not going to pay for the wall’ – columnist

a-5140 over and out