Raw Craft with Anthony Bourdain - Episode One: Borough Furnace
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cczzGAL6PpU 0:00 'working class whites' is the term thrown around a lot this election. 今回の大統領選では労働階級の白人という言葉がずいぶんもてはやされた。
The 'white working class' explained
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcbvTJeT6lM 3:36 as you can see, humane was not a word that people threw around a lot in the past. これらの拷問器具を見てわかるように、人類の過去は人道という言葉とはあまり縁がなかったようだ。
Cruel and Unusual Punishments: 15 Types of Torture
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evVKFFL1iTs 9:38 a lot of folks are casually throwing around the idea of moving to Cananda. トランプが大統領選に勝利し、反トランプ派の多くがカナダ移住を口にするようになった。
Don't Move To Canada Just Yet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ3kZINN0X8 0:09 the word insane gets thrown around a lot and applied to a lot of people.
10 Celebrities Who Are Clinically Insane
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZs2i3Bpxx4 4:43 there's a huge range of responses from my show, anything from utter disgust to utter fascination, the disgusting part, of course, is the amount of money that's been thrown around. 私のリアリティショーでは色々な反応があります。虫唾が湧くとか自分もそうなって見たいとか、否定的な反応はもちろん彼女たちの浪費するお金の額についてです。
China’s Millionaire Migration
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2017/05/bandy-about.html bandy about やたら口にする
b-2214 gets thrown around
b-6310 throw around