
a piece of ass 美人

a piece of ass, a piece of tail は美人。5:26 if you're a piece of ass, then you are beautiful.

Ismo: Ass Is The Most Complicated Word In The English Language - CONAN on TBS

1:13 I don't want to be an old woman. I want to be a hot young piece of ass.

Cougar Date :V

2:30 a piece of ass. あなたの娘のイヴァンカさんは、美人ですね。

Donald Trump Hates His Daughter Tiffany Trump PROOF

3:09 you see me nothing more than a piece of tail. 私のことをセックスの対象としての(美人)としてしか考えていない。

Trump Calls Top Aide "A Piece Of Tail"

2:00 but there's no denying you want to get a piece of that tail by the end of it. get it? because she's part fish. 彼女はそそる美人には違いない。(彼女の尾びれはそそる、わかりますよね、人魚姫だから。)

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