
give it up for someone 拍手をする

give it up には拍手をする、諦めるの二つの意味がある。give it up for someone なら拍手の意味。 1:53 hey it's the Lord, everybody. give it up for God. 神様です。皆さん拍手を。

Stephen Asks God's Stance On The NRA

0:03 give it up for Blake. ブレイクさんに拍手を。

Blake Lively opens up about 'All I See is You'

4:37 give it up for Danny, animal man

Cold Opening: Stranded Cruise - Saturday Night Live

2:45 give it up for the Chuck family.

Writing comedy in the President Trump era

1;36 even she realizes the time has finally come to give it up. イカレた彼女でも年貢の納め時だと悟った。

Employee Refuses To Let Alleged Shoplifter Go Until Cops Arrive

ヒアリングの練習問題a-5753 give it up for

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_15.html  拍手をするを英語でなんと言うか?