
botch 失敗する

botch は失敗すると言う意味です。0:02 Erika Pabalalinas knew the risks when she married a policeman. but nothing could have prepared her for the way in which he and his squad were killed in a botched raid last year. 失敗した掃討作戦

Philippines reflects on six years of Aquino rule https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL6hm7EIaQw  0;10 Capital punishment is back in the news. thanks to two botched executions in Ohio and Oklahoma. 二件の死刑執行失敗で死刑問題がニュースに取り上げられている。
Conservatives against the death penalty?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJFoGduyVbg  6:17 investigations have been botched. 調査は失敗した。
A Mother Becomes Doubtful