
compunction 罪悪感

compunction は罪悪感、自責の念、良心の呵責です。 1:35 If you think for one moment I don't have the balls to send a man out to die, your instincts are dead wrong. I have no compunction about sending you to your death, but I won't do it on a whim. 私が自分の部下を死に行かせる度胸が無いと思ったら大間違いよ。私はあなたを失うのになんの後ろめたさも無いわ。ただし私は思いつきなどで部下を死なせやしない。

GoldenEye - Bond & M Briefing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyuhIHAaY0U  1:29 We're a squad of JSOC guys with no compunction about being impolite. 俺たちは無頼の軍団だ。
The Airport Battle Yeah, That Airport Battle

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/01/blog-post_3195.html  良心の呵責を英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/10/blog-post_17.html  自責の念を英語でなんと言うか?

a-9137 has no compunction about lying
b-4153 without compunction