Donald Trump To Surrogates: Intensify Criticism Of Judge, Journalists | TODAY 0:15 it's long been believed that Apple's security-focused App store was impervious to these types of things. アップルのセキュリティの強固なアップストアはマルウエアの影響を受けないと思われてきた。
Hundreds of Apple apps are infected by malware 0:54 the Russian President is entirely impervious to all of that.プーチンはウクライナと欧州連合との密接な関係にも、まったく動じない。
Ukraine strengthens EU ties as crisis looms 0:35 the pre-dawn queue on Boxing Day appears impervious to change. 世の中がオンラインショッピングの全盛期となっても、ボクシングデーの早朝の行列には何の影も落とさない。
UK economy 'could overtake Germany's within 20 years'
a-4137 impervious to
a-4342 impervious to