
this and that 何やかんや

this and that は何やかや、何やかんや、あれこれ、です。32;01 w like to grumble. we need to grumble. it's a long tradition among the foreign community to get together and grumble about Japanese people or Japanese society about this and that. 外人が集まって、日本人にゃにほんの社会についてあれこれを愚痴るのはよくあることです。

A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3iKkB-jVks  0:43 he said that Mexico is sending over their rapists and this and that. トランプがメキシコは強姦魔やら何からをアメリカに送っていると発言した。
Mika: GOP Can't Afford To Take Leap Of faith On Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lQRmRt9lN4  2:07 if you're from Mexico, pretty good chances if you come to the United States, you're a rapist, you're a murderer, you're this, you're that.
Joe: Donald Trump Thinks He Knows Everything | Morning Joe | MSNBC