

1:025 if a monkey had thrown a dart at the stock page, the monkey on average would have made 150 percent. but the people who believed in him, those listened to his (2 words), came away losing well over 90 cents on the dollar. they got back less than a dime. and you know the history of his enterprises, where he was borrowing money, where one time after another he went into bankruptcy. I've really never known another businessman that brags about his bankruptcies. 1995年はどんな馬鹿でも株式に投資すれば年利150%の時代だった。そのような時代にトランプの言葉にたぶらかされて奴の株式に投資した人間は9割がたの損をこうむった。奴の事業は金を借りて倒産の山を築くことだった。(そして自分だけは巨額の報酬を持ち逃げするパターン)。私は、自分の会社の倒産をここまでうぞぶく人間を見たことがない。

Warren Buffett: Trump stock was a bad bet
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_02.html  二束三文を英語でなんと言うか?