

0:28 he had only a few weeks to live. medical experts had found almost 100 tumors in his brain alone. eventually they spread to his stomach, liver and lungs, leading Fay to try an experimental treatment. more than 5 years later, doctors say the melanoma is (2 words). フェイさんはあと数週間の命と宣告された。彼の脳だけでも100あまりの腫瘍が発見され、体の各部へ転移した。そこでフェイさんはまだ試験段階の新しい治療法を試みることにした。そして五年後、彼はがんの寛解(かんかい)を医師から告げられた。注;melanoma 悪性黒色腫(あくせいこくしょくしゅ、メラノーマ)

Father with 98 Brain Tumors in Remission: 'There's No Guarantee At This Point'