Woman Busted for DUI Hours After Posting New Mercedes Pic on Instagram: Cops
1:52 the President making it clear he won the election on his own. トランプは誰の力も借りずに自分ひとりの力で大統領選に勝利したと強調した。
Steve Bannon out at White House
2:00 you you Jordan you got this all on your own. 俺が挙げた奴らは金持ちのボンボンばかりだったが、ジョーダン、お前さんは一代で財を成したじゃないか。
The Wolf of Wall Street's meeting with the feds
0:32 and for those who make it, it feels great to think you got there all on your own. アメリカンドリームをなしえた人間は、自分だけの力で成功を勝ち取ったのだから素晴らしくいい気分だろう。
A self-made success? Let’s kill that myth
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/search?q=on+your+own you're on your own
b-2620 on our own
b-4177 all on his own
b-6578 all on their own