Inside horrific murder-for-hire crime scene in upstate NY
0;24 his 39-year-old son-in-law Jason Corbett is dead on the bedroom floor, bludgeoned with a baseball bat by Tom. トムさんの義理の息子はトムさんがバットで撲殺した。
What former FBI agent, daughter say happened night of her husband's death: Part 2
0:31 Danielle was allegedly bludgeoned, strangled and stabbed by Byron Mitchell who has claimed that he was acting in self-defense. ダニエルさんは正当防衛を主張するミッチェル容疑者にめちゃくちゃに殴られて、首を絞められ、そして刺されたと報告されている。
Woman Wakes from Coma After Allegedly Being Attacked By Craigslist Roommate
a-5199 bludgeoned the Uber driver in the head ウーバーの運転手はアイスホッケーの棒で頭を滅多打ちにされた
a-6598 bludgeoned to death 鈍器のような物で頭を殴られ死亡