
kick into gear は準イディオム

kick into gear は準イディオムとして kick into high gear の形でよく使われる。この表現は100%決まった言い方とは言えないので、準イディオムと位置づけておく。 1:25 this news means that the investigation into Russian meddling is kicking up into another gear. マラー特別検察官が大陪審を招集したニュースは特別検察官のロシア疑惑捜査が一段と進展していることを示している。

Stephen Wants On Robert Mueller's Grand Jury

0:23 now Washington's favorite parlor game, parsing the Trump palace intrigue, is kicking into overdrive. ワシントンのお得意の想像ゲームは、トランプ王室の内情分析に総力を挙げて取り組んでいる

Gary Cohn's White House influence on the rise

0;03 Donald Trump holding some major meetings today, one on Capitol Hill to rally support and another at the New York Four Seasons to kick his fundraising into high gear.

Clinton-Trump explode on Twitter after Obama endorses

1:17 a lot of people think you need to wait until your kid is, you know, their critical thinking has turned into, you know, has really kicked into high gear.

How young is too young to talk to your kids about religion?

0:16 and right after that beautiful opening ceremony, competition kicked into gear. 競技が始まった。

Russian sensation Lipnitskaia becomes youngest figure skater to win gold

1:31 all nine members of the San Diego City Council have called the mayor Filner to resign. and a recall campaign kicked into high gear. セクハラ疑惑のサンディエゴ市長へのリコール署名活動は一段と加速した

Inside the Bob Filner Scandal

1:18 we favor anything that accelerates (= kick into high gear) Mr. Mueller's work ...

Joe: After This, Firing Robert Mueller Is Simply Untenable | Morning Joe | MSNBC

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/11/balls-to-wall.html  balls to the wall
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/03/kick-it-up-notch.html  kick it up a notch
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/search?q=overdrive  rumor mill

b-3866 kicks into high gear