
bull in a china shop 瀬戸物屋へ入り込んだ雄牛

like a bull in a china shop 物屋に飛び込んだ雄牛のように皿や茶碗を次々と破壊する、、、0:12 and a perfect example was a bull in a china shop. you've heard this expression your whole life 'bull in a china shop.' it means a really clumsy person breaking things. did it hurt the bull? 瀬戸物屋の牛とは不器用な人間がうっかりとものを壊してしまうこと。あんた大丈夫?

MythBusters - Bull in a China Shop | Top 25 Moments

2:20 Trump will see that as a win for his own rather bull-in-a-china-shop diplomatic tactics. トランプは北朝鮮の平昌五輪参加を自分の「ぶっ壊し外交」が功を奏したと見ている。

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2:39 a real life bull in a china shop. 本物の瀬戸物屋の牛

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6:00 I think she just thought I was a very loud noisy bull-in-a-china-shop kind of a person. 初めてマギー・スミスさんにお目にかかったとき、彼女は私のことを大声で話す騒々しい粗野な人間と思っていたと思います。

Maggie Smith a Portrait | part 1

a-5730 a bull in a china shop
a-6107 a bull in a china shop
a-9586 a bull in an antiques shop
b-1437 a bull in a china shop
b-1928 like a bull in an antique shop