Parole Board - Saturday Night Live
0:29 he's very, he's disturbed, but he's not crazy, 'cause he's he's got to get the chair. オーロラ銃乱射事件の犯人は精神的に動転しているが、精神異常ではない。だから、電気椅子送りにするのが一番だ。
Donald Trump Jr.'s comments the morning after the Au...
2:20 I agree with the family. I hope you die in prison as well. you know, if this was a death penalty state, you'd be getting the chair. 本官も被告が無期懲役で刑務所で死ぬことを願っている。もしこのミシガン州で死刑が認められていたら、被告には間違いなく死刑を言い渡す。
Angry Judge tells convicted murderer "I hope you die in prison"
b-1526 gave them the chair
b-1710 take her to the chair