

2:30 this summer I put on that dress that I bought in 1987 and I wasn't poured into it. if you know what it is that is the source of your unhappiness, address it. you've (4 words) to do it. and whatever your goal is whether it's losing weight or something else, be patient with yourself, (7 words), you'll get there. 15キロの減量に成功した私はこの夏30年前に買ったドレスをはじめて着てみました。何が自分の問題かがわかれば、それを克服しなさい。克服出来るはずです。それが減量であったり、他の事であったにせよ、毎日少しづつ、辛抱強く自分の問題に取り組みなさい。きっと成功しますよ。

How Inside Edition’s Deborah Norville Lost 30 Pounds