Trading Places - Security, Merry Christmas
7:53 before he makes a citizen's arrest, let's bring in one more witness. 彼がこちらの俳優を常人逮捕する前に、ドッキリカメラの登場です。
Blonde woman and black man steal money from deli tip jar [TIP JAR PART 1] | What Would You Do?
1:22 she was making a citizen's arrest. この気のふれた女性は自分の行動を常人逮捕だと主張した。
Suspect in viral road rage video tells her story
2:22 there was damages that would give you the opportunity to place her under citizen's arrest if you wanted to. もし車に傷をつけられたなら、その場でその女性を取り押さえても良かったんだが、、、
[FULL VIDEO] Unlawful Arrest of a Pregnant Woman by Barstow PD
参考リンク under arrest 軟禁を英語でなんと言うか?
a-6083 makes a citizen's arrest