

spark, ember が火の粉に相当する。 5:34 when we're scooping up the embers and taking them in with the shovel, we're actually just slow roasting the meat, kind of cooking it slowly for 8 to 12 hours 熾火(おきび)をショベルでグリルに入れて、豚を8時間から12時間かけてゆっくりとローストする。

Why The Best Southern Barbecue Takes Weeks To Make — Southern Foodways Alliance

4:51 firefighters are so strapped, they're not worried about the flames inside, but what they're concerned about are those embers flying out of it. those embers blasted across Northern California by gale-force winds, and fitting with this hellscape,,, they're called 'diablo winds.' 人手が足りない消防は燃えている家屋よりも、飛び散る火の粉のほうを気にしている。火の粉は強い風に乗って北カリフォルニアを横切っていく。この風はこの地獄絵図にふさわしく、悪魔の風と呼ばれている。

Wildfires cause Californians to flee, sift through burned homes

1:11 her car is showered with sparks. 彼女の車には火の粉が降り注いできた。

Thieves Loot Car of Family Fleeing California Fires

2;13 this one, because of the winds blowing 50 miles an hour, it blew the embers. and it was just exploding from block to block to block. 私は山火事を4回体験したが、町ごと焼けてしまうのは今回が初めてだ。秒速25メートル近くの風が吹いて、火の粉を巻き上げて、炎は次々と家屋に飛び移って行ったよ。

‘It looks like a war zone’: Search and rescue teams continue work in California fire

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/12/sparks-fly.html  sparks fly 恋に落ちる

a-6023 burning embers flying
a-7082 burning embers
a-7406 embers