
make an example out of 見せしめにする

make an example out of someone, make an example of someone 見せしめにする。an example of, examples of が基幹部分。6:08 Khali wants to make an example of Mysterio. ジャイアント・シンはレイ・ミステリオを見せしめにするつもりだ。

Rey Mysterio Vs The Great Khali May.12,2007 WWE SmackDown

0;31 I feel like you're trying to make an example of me.

Erica Jenkins sentenced to 60-100 years in prison

0:47 the President attempts to make an example out of him. 自分にいたずら電話をかけたコメディアンをトランプは軽蔑の容疑をかけて見せしめにしようとしている。

Secret Service Wants to Talk to ‘Stuttering John’ Melendez After Trump Prank

6:50 Carter claims he was convicted without sufficient evidence and the law made an example of him for being a black man in the public who has a history of violent crimes. カーター受刑者は自分は黒人で凶悪犯罪の前科持ちなので、証拠不十分でも見せしめのため無期懲役にされたと主張した。

When Evil Fighters Do The Unthinkable

a-6277 making examples of
a-6640 being made an example of
a-6921 make an example of
a-7036 make an example
a-8003 made an example of
a-9479 make an example of you
b-0106 an example
b-3088 making an example out of her
b-5517 make an example of her