
choose from から選ぶ

choose のあとには from が来る。当たり前のことだが、一語としておぼえるほうがいい。0:51 they have 60 taps to choose from. 60種類のビールから好きなものが選べます。

We Tried Every Beer At This Beer ATM

5:57 let's not forget that Vagas is known as the gambling mecca of the world with over 250 casinos to choose from.

Streets by VICE: Las Vegas (Charleston Blvd.)

0:38 and there's a wide selection of smaller chocolates to choose from.

Italian Market Offers Array of Items to Help Celebrate Easter

1:45 they have about 15 different professions to choose from.

What's behind Germany's steep drop in juvenile crime?

a-8674 two seperate interior design layouts available for people to choose from