
医学英語 2017/08/04

一般的にスポーツは危険と言える。別に contact sports, extreme sports である必要はない。下のビデオは女児がボクシングをするビデオ。ボクシングは contact sports。本人は頭痛を訴えている。脳震盪は concussion 。2:39 me as a parent I will make sure to tell her that whatever she did is, cos something she loves to do. so regardless of how it turns out in the future, you've got to do something that you love to do. and you're a master in it. my head hurts... that's what you're worried about right now? but you've gotta deal with it, because you know what happens? when you fight, you don't know the day when you're gonna fight or how you're gonna to feel. so you gotta push through it. come on. ボクシングをやればたまには頭が痛くなるかもしれない、ボクシングをやらなければ頭が痛くなることはなかったかもしれない。3:54 right now at 10 years old, there's no kids getting concussion. there's no serious injuries, but ,,,, 10歳でボクシングをしていて脳震盪や大きな怪我をする子供はいない。本当?????

Girl Boxer: A 10-Year-Old Breaking Barriers | Op-Docs | The New York Times