
parse = analyze

parse は解析するくらいの意味。0:22 now Washington's favorite parlor game, parsing the Trump's palace intrigue, is kicking into overdrive. ワシントンのお得意の想像ゲームは、トランプ王室の内情分析に総力を挙げて取り組んでいる。

Gary Cohn's White House influence on the rise

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDXeKUI43-k  2;30 the State Department is not going to parse every individual piece of evidence ,,,
Main Takeaways From FBI’s Hillary Clinton Notes | MSNBC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s1vuBl9eBc  2:42 how to parse the numbers on the campaign trail. 大統領選での数字をどう解釈するのか 
Thinking about math in terms of literacy — not levels

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlKnibD0OAs  0:53 let me parse it.
I Want a Mommy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hbqLBp_HI  5:39 it's incredibly difficult to parse.
Holly Morris: Why stay in Chernobyl? Because it's home.

b-2590 parse the language