

punditといい、この言葉がマスコミから消えることはありません。毎日聞く言葉です。sheeple(sheep+people 愚衆)の先頭の部分です。3:29 we see a lot of pundits and talking heads saying it doesn't matter what he announces tonight ご意見番やらコメンテーターやらはオバマが今夜何を発表しようが何一つ変わらないと言っているが、、、

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi6qWXsQqNw 2:34 you see lawmakers and pundits and the President of the United States talking about the unemployment problem, talking about jobs....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYhBV0a48M8 3:50 so what's your comeback to the late night comics and a lot of pundits who say 'who is Gary Johnson and how is he going to make a difference in this race'?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-XdnNo4b-Y 0:34 wake up! sheeple! 目覚めよ愚民たち!