

endorsementのことですが、seal of approvalstamp of approvalのどちらかを使えばいいでしょう。0:46 it seems the robots have certainly made their mark and have had a seal of approval from residents パロちゃんは被災したお年寄りのハートを掴みお墨付きを得た

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYIZkEUO_oo 0:12 there are some products like the ones in front of us that we feel needed mom's seal of approval. ここにあるようないくつかの商品については主婦のお墨付きが先決だとおもった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wGLRnsd7VU 2:39 is he really seeking an endorsement? well, trump's stamp of approval will carry some weight with some of those Republican primary voters...ペリー候補はトランプ氏のお墨付きが必要なんですか?そうですね、それは共和党の予備選にはいくらかの意味があるでしょう
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIyVu033dao 0:40 get a seal of approval for their policies from the IMF
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usOipfXG2Mk&feature=relmfu  to the maker of LYSOL, you're busted trying to make it seem like Canadian pediatricians have given your disinfectant a stamp of approval. ライソルの製造元は消費者にこの製品はカナダの小児科医がお墨付きを与えたような誤解を与えている、お前は黒だ。

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