

1:02 The best estimates are tens of thousands of people are going to die from starvation that is man-made. This isn't a famine, this is a man-made tragedy by the government of Khartoum to get these people to leave, so it's immediate. 何万人もの人々が人間の手による飢えで死ぬだろう。こいつは天災の飢饉なんかじゃない。こいつはハルトゥーム政府による人災悲劇だ。ことは急を要するんだ。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-i6knP3Lsk 0:53 Putin said he'd been advised such a thing was technically impossible. with such allegations of a man-made disaster, Putin wanted to be seen asking tough questions of his officials. プーチンは遊水地が決壊することはありえないと野報告を受けていたといい、この洪水が人災との指摘を受け、責任者を問い詰めたいと話していた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7unlPvNxLLA  0:13 one of the worst man-made disasters