

commemoration,memorialのような言い方になりますが今日のように一周年となるとanniversaryともいえます。これらの単語の後にservice,ceremony(式典)を続けると完璧です。0;03 in Fukushima hundreds of people gathered for a memorial on the eve of the anniversary 震災から1年を明日に控えて福島県では大勢の人が慰霊の法要に訪れた。2:03 national ceremony 政府主催の追悼式 2:05 they will pause at 2:46, the moment that the earthquake struck, for a minute with the national prayer and they will lay flowers of tributes to the many people who died.地震が起こった午後二時四十六分に一分間の黙祷を捧げる

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlFdT7XnqOY 0:11 today's commemorations 今日の追悼式
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2011/05/kenka-suru.html 献花するを英語でなんと言うか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPO_iJMP9Ac A minute of silence has been observed across Japan
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxvZ9zK_AFg 0;01 Remembrance ceremonies are being held across Japan, as the country marks the one year anniversary of one of the world's worse natural disasters.