
その都度を英語でなんと言うか? 構文

for every timeを使った「その都度一円ずつ貯めたら、、、今頃大金持ちだ」という構文があります。つまり今までに何度も何度も繰り返されたもういい加減にしてくれ、、、くらいの心情を吐露したい時に使われます。if I had a nickel for every time で始まりますが、どのようにも言えます。日本語でも「解散の『か』の字もない」「反省の『は』の字もない」のようにいくらでも応用の利く言い方があるのと同じです。2:50 and if I had a nickel (for every time) I would say anecdotally that in my lifetime when someone said to me the current president in office whoever that may be is the worst President ever, I would be a rich man. 面白い話として、もし現職大統領が歴代で最悪な奴だと誰かが言う度に私が5 セントずつ貯めていれば、私は今頃お金持ちになっているよ。つまり、、、現職大領領が最悪といわれるのはいつの時代でも変わらない、、、の意味です。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9DG_dsmwrU&feature=related 1:48 there's never really been a day in my life when somebody hasn't commented on my height. how many times did I say 7'7"? if I added 10 pence for every time I said it, I wouldn't have to work again because I am probably a millionaire.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIqkwxkiNsU  8:42 if I had a pound for every time somebody says it's boring business, we'll put it after the weather or before the sports, I will be a wealthy man. 経済とはつまらない話題で、局の誰かが経済はつまらない話題だから、天気予報の後かスポーツ番組の後に差し替えよう、、、というごとに一ポンドづつ貯めてたなら、私は今頃お金持ちだよ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVvw_f6jSq4 0:54 If I got a dollar (for) every time somebody smiles when (聞き取り不可能) experence my art, I would be a millionaire. 私の芸術で喜んでくれる人がいる度に一ドルずる貯めていたら、今頃蔵が建っていたはずだ。注;ポーランド訛りがきつい。

1:55 if I had a dollar for every book that was sent my way, I could have probably paid for this studio.

The Epiphany That Gave Jennifer Aniston "Total Peace | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/11/if-i-dont-know-what.html if, I don't know what 構文

a-5173 if I had a nickel for every time
a-5525 if I had a nickel for every time
a-5581 if I had a nickel for every time I heard that one
a-6408 if Trump had a dollar for every lie he's told, he would say he had a billion dollars
b-2181 if I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, I would be incredibly rich
b-2379 if I had a dime for every damn republican
b-3214 if I had a nickel for every time some piece of shit pointed a gun at me, I'd be a rich man
b-5290 if I had a nickel for every time some piece of shit pointed a gun at me, I'd be a rich man