

王子として生まれついた、、、選べない運命で、宿命のことです。0:01 India's class structure is arguably the world's most rigid, with people born into lower castes held back from opportunities, or even basic liberties. インドの階級制度(身分差別)は厳格で、下層階級に生まれついた人々には最低限の自由の保障、向上の機会などは与えられない。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB4BkouWP8M&feature=g-all-a&list=PL3A4C018BB1B234EC&context=G2e39209FAAAAAAAALAA  18:39 They’re here tonight as ultimate fighters, part of Shinji Ishihara’s plan to keep them occupied and out of the clutches of the Yakuza. But escape is hard, especially for those born into it. やくざの家に生まれたものには特に抜けづらい
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EJxlatDa1E  0:15 it's enough pressure for a child to be born into parents that have,,,,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMlDmXNHR7c 2;37 you're born into these families and you go to Ivy League schools and what have you. 金持ちの家に生まれついて、名門学校に行って、なんたらかんたらだろ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDMmIhDsBSw 1:30 can we choose to be born? or are we fitted to the times we're born into? 生みの選択ができようか?それとも生まれた時代に即するのみか?