

ここでの墓場とは個人の墓のことなのでgraveです。could you not have taken some of this to the grave with you and done this country a favor? (ホワイトハウスの報道官として暴露本を出したことについて)この本の内容をなんで墓場まで持っていって合衆国のために貢献してくれなかったのか?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VttHNwHTk78  most people remain silent their whole lives and take it to the grave with them. 多くの性被害者たちは一生何も語らず(被害を受けた事実を)墓場まで持っていく
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiCUOIJ8fp0 0:42 from cradle to grave ゆりかごから墓場まで
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQnM2mH-aP0&feature=related 1;22 it's the secret Mccurdy did not want to take to his grave. 墓場までもって行きたくなかった秘密
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2bUeTd_HHE&feature=related  0:01 Lila has a secret, she says, she's taking to her grave.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZu8rlhGtcs  my conjecture is that they waited for him to die so he could take many secrets that he kept to the grave. 私の推察だがサビル氏はいろいろな人の秘密を抱えていたので彼が死ぬまで全てが秘密が葬られるまで関係者達は彼の異常な性癖を公にしなかったのだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6UuPMmAbms 1:34 exactly how he discovered the Skull of Doom was a secret Frederick Mitchell-Hedges would take to his grave.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpTHi7O66pI 6:35 that was the saddest and greatest blunder of my life and I will carry that to my grave. ゾウを駆除したのは自分の生涯の悲しみそして過ちだ。 それは一生背負っていく

a-6352 took the location of the immense bounty with him 山下大将は財宝のありかを明かさないまま処刑された。
a-9373 taken the mystery of Downtown to his grave