

失業中にもらう給付金のことを一般的に失業保険といってしまいますが、正しくは失業給付金、失業手当のことです。英国と米国で言い方が違うようです。Sue has applied for 96 jobs in the last six months, all the while claiming Jobseeker's Allowance.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dut-YuNx5A4 1:38 John Manton receives $780 a month in unemployment benefits

1:15 I make about 90 grand a year now. unemployment (benefit) is what, 250 bucks a week?

The negotiation process (Up In The Air 2009)

4:46 am I eligible for unemployment or is that just for you know who? クビになった後、失業保険はもらえるの、もらえるのはこいつらだけなの?

M&M Store - Saturday Night Live