

法律用語でnext of kinというのがあります。複数扱いです。0:59 and the next of kin have already been notified ホイットニー・ヒューストンさんの死亡は親族にはすでに知らせてある。immediate familyは日常会話でよく使われます。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71h5ZYmDmlI 0:44 Police have asked all them for contact information for next of kin just in case.万が一に備えて、警察は身内の連絡先を調べて回った。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgzqZD0-Z4k 0:36 Chinese activist and dissident Chen Guangcheng and his immediate family arrived in the United States on Saturday 中国の人権活動家、陳光誠氏は妻子をともなってアメリカに到着した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56x2zL5lAcM  1:36 withholding the name until next of kin has been notified 身内に知らせが行くまで被害者の名前を伏せておく
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SssljwlaWU 1:52 the immediate family only
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oACPm0K7_zw  1:42 hard-pressed taxpayers should be delighted that the Prince of Wales and his immediate family cost them nothing at all or next to nothing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMxmhxkSs1U 422 spending time with his immediate family

a-3424 no next of kin
a-4389 the next of kin
a-5360 my next of kin
a-6388 next of kin
a-7516 next of kin
b-0478 the next of kin