

ostentatiousがピッタリしています。14:05 So all this talk about the culture wars makes me think of an unusual arena in which the culture wars have erupted, and that is the National Football League. And Tim Tebow and his very public expressions of his faith. I’ve heard some Christian leaders say that they think that his expressions of faith are too ostentatious, not private enough. アメフト界で宗教論争がおこっているが、ティム・ティーボウ選手の信仰心があまりにも仰々しく慎ましくないとの批判が教会の長老たちから出ているようだが、、、

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqXXV2g5KZs 1:19 much has been made of solemnity and modesty of this occasion as befits the small kingdom which values tradition and religion of ostentatious display. 宗教や伝統の誇示を大切にするなこの小さな王国の国王の結婚式に見合う荘厳さ、慎ましさについては十分な用意がある。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53bnOZjF0lA  0:01 in a nation where tens of million of children are malnourished, there are those who say 'this is criminal', not so much the ostentatious feasts, in and of themselves, that the wealthy in India stage for wedding and other celebrations, but it's what's left over afterward.何百万人もの人々が飢えに苦しむインドでは富裕層が結婚式やその他の行事で振舞うこれ見よがしの贅沢な食事は、犯罪行為だといわれる。贅沢な食事そのものではなくて、食べた後の残飯についてのことだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXH_ljRDkzI 0:14 as you can see it's fairly plain, not too ostentatious. ご覧の通り質素で、飾っけないだろ。

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/09/blog-post_1724.html 見せびらかすを英語でなんと言うか?

a-7650 ostentatious