1:03 but if it wasn't for his actions, this man might never have been caught. もし彼の勇敢な行動のお陰でなかったなら、この強盗は御用にならなかったかもしれない。 0;54 I would not be where I am if it wan't for you. あなたの力添えがなかったら今の私の地位も何もなかったと思う。 0:31 and if not for the video camera to record what happened, we might actually believe that Ehud attacked the police officers. このビデオの証拠がなければ、(警察の言い分どおりに)イーウッドさんが警官を襲撃したと思い込んだだろう。 2;46 I would't be here, if it wasn't for that. もし母の第六感がなければ、今私は生きてはいない。 0:50 Somehow I'd be doing alright if it wasn't for the nights. 12:20 if it hadn't been for a chance encounter on a train, a historic partnership would never have been formed.
参考リンク had it not been for でなかったなら 構文 1:19 the trip probably wouldn't have received any attention if not for the action of the Malaysian Government. マレーシア政府がゼノフォン議員を強制送還していなかったら、彼の旅行は話題に上らなかったことだろう。
a-786 if it wasn't for
a-1481 if it wasn't for
a-2584 if not for
a-4498 if it wasn't for
a-5694 if it wasn't for Lula
a-5805 if it weren't for
a-6294 if it weren't for
a-7074 if not for
a-8502 it weren't for
a-8671 I would've been dead, if it were not for him
a-9107 if it weren't for me
b-1462 if it wasn't for
b-4672 if it weren't for