

grit teeth がわかればいいでしょう。10:07 I can't do this gently. grit your teeth. ちょっと手荒にするよ。歯を食いしばってな!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPL8y-oo0Jk  0;02 maybe I'm looking at this all wrong. and that what we should do is really bite the bullet and just really tax people and pay down the debt once and for all -- in fact we crunch the numbers. and if we just grit our teeth. and we just raise taxes once and for all. we tax everyone 40%, just everyone, no exceptions, nothing, just 40% ,,, we could wipe out the debt in 3 years. what do you think guys? good idea? peter what do you think? not a chance! もし前アメリカ国民が耐えがたきを耐えて、国の借金をすべて返済するなら、歯を食いしばって、税を40パーセント一律にして、例外なしに一人ひとりのアメリカ国民から税金を搾り取る、、、それで3年で借金を完済!皆さんこのアイディアどうでしょうか?ピーターシフさん、いかがでしょうか?お前、アホか!

a-8958 grit their teeth
a-9124 grits his teeth