moatといいます。皇居のお堀もmoatです。となれば、「皇居ラン」imperial palace joggingはjogging around the moatともいえます。0:13 The cubs were tossed into a moat by staff at the National Zoo and, although irritated by unexpected dunk, they all managed to swim safely to the side. 飼育員にいきなりお堀に投げ込まれた子ライオンちゃんたちは予期せぬ出来事にあせったようだったが全員がふちまで安全にたどり着いた。 0:20 when she was accidentally pushed into a moat by Jumbo 2:01 a man crosses a moat to get to the tiger enclosure. 男がお堀を渡って虎の檻にはいった。
1;29 and a moat that circles the entire 4-acre property. そして広大な邸宅をぐるりと囲むお堀
Exclusive Look At LA's $500 Million Mega-House | CNBC
a-6986 a moat
b-4258 a moat