

刃物の最先端は切っ先です。切っ先はcutting edgeです。普段は比喩的に最新鋭、最新のという意味で使われます。1:29 every stage of production is controlled by cutting edge technology. 生産の全工程は最新鋭の技術で制御されている。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9spkB6q4_Y 3:12 whereas Steve Jobs invented something that was sexy and cutting edge, James Dyson reinvented something that we all took for granted.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTzF1zcdBVM 2:09 so this was an experimental procedure? it was definitely cutting edge. 羊水を生理食塩水で代用するのは新しい方法ですか?一番新しい方法です。

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/08/the-thin-end-of-wedge.html the thin end of the wedge
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH0u3M8Apdg 0:44 you couldn't do that with a knife that didn't have a good edge on it. 刃先が鋭くない包丁では不可能な技です。

a-1714 at the cutting-edge of,