
I wish that I could be Richard Cory

サイモン&ガーファンクルのリチャード・コリーです。ちょっとした文法のお稽古です。0:50 I wish that I could be Richard Cory. 自分がリチャード・コリーだったらよかったのに。

Simon & Garfunkel - Richard Cory
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ 2:38 I sometimes wish I would never been born at all. 自分なんか生まれてこなければよかったのに。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVjN6ziVbIA 0:22 I wish I could tell you. 出来れば、教えてあげたいんだか、、、
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF2xbiTMHpM 0;48 There are so, so many things I did wrong when I was younger, and so many things I wish I could take back, and I felt every moment of that through your dance tonight.

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/10/if-i-were-you.html if I were you

a-4267 I wish I were