2:19 she was just getting acclimated to her new classroom and her new teacher. 娘は新しい担任の先生と教室に馴染み始めていた。 3:35 a video about how to acclimate your pet 2:55 they gave Sara a little bit time to get acclimated to working with the snakes. ニシキヘビはサラが蛇をうまく扱うために必要な適応の機会を与えている。
a-1388 acclimate
a-3394 get acclimated to
a-4661 acclimatize
a-8506 acclimatize you to
b-0689 get their bodies acclimated to the heat
b-4900 acclimate international students to the University of Maryland
b-5411 acclimate to using the fighters