

0:59 Sir, it's my job to mold your son's character. あなたの息子さんの人格を形成するのは私の責務と存じます。
35:02 Mold him? Jesus God in Heaven, son. You're not gonna mold my boy. Your job is to teach my son. You teach him his times tables. Teach him why the world is round. Teach him who killed who and when and where. That is your job. You, sir, will not mold my son. I will mold him.奴を作るだと?おまえさんの仕事は奴に算数やら歴史を叩き込むことだ。おまえさんはわしの息子の人格形成に口を挟まんで欲しいね。奴を作り上げるのはこのわしだ。

EMPERORS CLUB - Purpose of Education - Most Problems begin with different PURPOSES

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P3iCVyny-o 3:27 one of the reasons that child marriage continues to prevail is that husband's family and husband think that when they bring a girl into the family when she's so young, they can mold her to be exactly what they want her to be. 幼な妻制度が存続する理由としては妻が幼少の頃に嫁に来れば嫁が婿方のおもうままの形成出来ると思っているからだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0wsA4WJWf8 0:20 she was a model who Alfred Hitchcock decided to mold into his dream woman. ティッピーはヒッチコック監督が自分好みの女に仕立てようとした女優だった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1gsUN_WVU 0:58 but I needed to mold them in my own image.

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/04/blog-post_7029.html  常識を破るを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4207 a youth to mold
a-7324 molded her into b-4035 molded him into