bear down on someoneと言えばいいでしょう。6:13 there's no question. Rick Perry is an aggressive dude and he can bear down on you. リックペリーは好戦的で威圧することも辞さない奴だ。 22-year-old Bianca Vera plunged 40 feet off a highway bridge into the icy waters of the Lake Lanier to avoid a semi-truck bearing down on her トラックの下敷きになるのを逃れるためビアンカべラ嬢は橋から13メートル下の凍るように冷たい湖に飛び込んだ 0:06 blizzard like the one bearing down on the city 0:48 smart phones are bearing down hard on flip cameras 0;57 terror caught on tape as monster tornadoes bear down on American towns