

日本語を見るとまず、、、、there are no rules without exceptionですが、every rule has an exceptionとかthere's an exception to every rule(どんな決まりでも例外はつき物)のように言うのが一般的です。0:58

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_qWs51H0Uc 0:37 there's exceptions to every rule(ちょっと文法がおかしいけど、there's an exception to every ruleでおぼえましょう。)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c7UqPmy0UY  2:53 I don't think there's anything in this world that's worth selling what you are for, except the CLA, of course, I mean, there's exception to every rule. この世の中に自分の魂を売ってまで手に入れたいものなど有りはしない、CLAだけは別だが、こいつばかりは例外中の例外だ。