

そのまんまのcameo appearanceです。cameoと言うだけでも同じ意味です。この言葉は芸能関係のニュースに時折登場します。As if he hadn't had enough of the role, he even made a memorable cameo appearance in 2011's “X-Men First Class.” ジャックマンはいい役をやり足りないのか、“X-Men First Class”にもちょっとだけ顔を出している。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x_zC3h4H-A 1:31 she definitely got the attention of a lot of high profile people as well, including Holly Wood casting agencies and directors who were flooding her with the offers to appear on various TV shows, cameos in film roles ケイトの妹のピッパ嬢にはハリウッドの大物たちが関心を示し、テレビ出演、映画へのカメオ出演などの依頼が殺到している。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUY7xksS-4Y 3:41 his cameos in the films “Cabin Boy” and “Man on the Moon”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJFuRte7wYc 0:47 Greek Prime Minister made a cameo appearance in Cann ギリシャ首相はカンヌで開かれているG20会議に飛び入り参加した
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Eg_35-3QiQ&feature=g-all-u&context=G292d525FAAAAAAAAGAA 1:23 Global fame led to cameo parts in cult television shows, such as Star Trek and The Simpsons

a-4295 cameo
a-5037 the cameo
a-5984 cameo appearances
a-7434 cameo
b-2374 makes a cameo