

to give an IV dripで点滴を打つ、to get an IV dripで点滴を打たれるとなります。IVとはIntraVenous(静脈内の)の略です。a real shot in the arm(0:46)というのも遠い親戚のような言い回しです。0:35

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDatSfiCJTw 0:35 it's not provide a shot in the arm that people are hoping for. 皆が待ち望んでいるカンフル剤ではない
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNjnRF4hmgc 0:02 taking it to the extreme, these photos seem to show students in China hooked up to IV drips while they cram for exams.

a-2879 on an IV drip
a-4798 be put on an IV drip
a-6342 on a morphine drip
a-7680 getting IV drips 点滴を受けている
a-8333 got another shot in the arm もう一本カンフル剤を打たれた。
b-1072 through an IV