

これはstand the test of time, withstand the test of timeといいます。he says the value of gold has withstood the test of time.(金の価値は時代を超越して普遍的なものだと言っている)0:53

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ce6mLmoiEbo 0:37 they withstood the test of time 時のふるいをクリアしてきた
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCmKmzr5Rgs 0:33 with religious zeal of Apple followers, withstand the test of time 熱狂的なアップル信仰は、時のふるいをクリアするだろう
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAka6C8_2z0  0:24 all of his policies and ideologies have stood the test of time 彼の方針、考えは時を経てもなんら変わらなかった
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MuqLbz8NL0 4:12 Michael Keaton's understated and riveting interpretation of the character has survived the test of time.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US1XfFZqmLw 0:06 what stands the test of time? 時を経ても変わらないものはなんだろうか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_505943&feature=iv&src_vid=tMAC0ZZxZC4&v=gfEgE3XMYBk 23:02 some stories have survived the test of time. いくつかの物語は時を越えて普遍(不変)である。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gImt4fX1ty0 1;49 the fossils from Poland certainly stood the test of time. ホーランドで見つかった化石は間違いなく長い年月を耐えてきた。

a-1130 stood the test of time
a-1906 stand the test of time
a-2354 stood the test of time
a-6489 stood the test of time
a-8055 stand the test of time
a-9781 stand the test of time
a-9825 stood the test of time
a-9984 stand the test of time
b-0295 stand the test of time
b-4005 stood the test of time
b-4377 stand the test of time
b-5925 the test of time
b-7057 stood the test of time