

不本意ながら同意する時にはacquiesceと言う単語を使います。acquiesce to somethingでしぶしぶ承諾するの意味になります。0:54 I was astounded how these brave grand people like the Germans could have acquiesced to a two-bit freak like Hitler. かの偉大なドイツ人がヒットラーのようなチンピラに何で承服してしまったのか驚きを隠しえない。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5OI9xrJ8Zw  2:15 The Japanese government chose to ignore these extreme demands, and made it clear to the Japanese public that the government would not acquiesce. 大日本帝国はポツダム宣言を無視し、国民に受諾はしないと発表した。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAHBjcxA-SI 0:27 there cannot be acquiescence by the government to allow such crime to go unpunished. リンチ殺人のような罪を国が容認するようなことがまかり通ってはならない。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWtrbGWixRQ 26:18 if they didn't do something to generate economic growth, they perhaps would not be able to create enough jobs to keep the population acquiescent. 中国の指導者たちは経済成長をさせなければ人民の不満を押さえ込むだけの必要な雇用を創出できないと踏んだ。

a-5242 acquiesced 注; acquiesced to とまで言うほうが好ましい。
a-5393 acquiesce to
a-9492 acquiescence of the police
b-0060 acquiesce to Beijing's preferences