

ここではthe obviousという言い方をおぼえておきましょう。便利な言い方です。下のビデオで何を言っているのか英検の3級程度のレベルとおもいますが、この内容が書店に出回るのは早くても三ヶ月後のことでしょう。その頃世界の目はイタリアに移っています。1:56 You know, this deal makes things worse not better. A hundred billion [euro] is put up for the Spanish banking system, and 20 per cent of that money has to come from Italy. And under the deal the Italians have to lend to the Spanish banks at 3 per cent but to get that money they have to borrow on the markets at 7 per cent. It's genius isn't it. It really is brilliant. ...he's pointing out what should be the obvious. 明らかな事実

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMM7IbNXeTQ  0:19 let's start off with the obvious. はっきりとしたことから始めましょう。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU_-miycMhU 4:43 she was so blinded by love, she refused to see the obvious. 故意で何も見えなくなっていて、明らかな兆候も見ようとしなかった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93hbqLBp_HI 3;36 she said to me when I asked for the obvious,'radiation doesn't scare me, starvation does.' わかりきった質問をしたら、放射能は怖くないけど飢えは怖いと言っていた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJU3R8ooo2U 2:05 maybe wear a short shirt. もっと短いスカートをはいたほうがいいよ。I am just point out the obvious.

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/03/itsumo-no-yatsu.html いつもの奴を英語でなんと言うか?

a-7307 the obvious