

これは諦めきれない、まだ昔のことを考えてる、こんな意味でしょう。harbor, dwell onあたりが良いかと思います。he still harbors feelings for his ex-girl friend(old flame).未練がましいやつならhe's a bad loser.でもいいでしょう。もっと簡単にこんな言い方も出来ます。he just cannot cut his ex out of his life.=he just cannot give up his ex =he just cannot let his ex go.=he is hung up on his ex.=he's not over his ex.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoVOxggb3aE 3:33 a lot of people are really hung up on the fact に未練がある
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPYv5lKl9Qk 0:29 former flame(=ここではex wifeの意味)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MW0pikuW30 5:25 you're so hung up on Adam. アダムに未練たらたらなんだから、
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA1_ucSOpaw 1:49 old flame 昔の恋人

a-722 former flame 注;このビデオでは繰り返し Ex と言っている。
a-1493 her ex = her ex-boyfriend