

open Pandora's boxですが、let the Genie out of the bottle(魔法使いジェニーを瓶から逃がす)ともいいます。0:21

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=249BXObZqmk 1:53
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkigvv3ayao 1:05
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6TU7lWVo9w 1:53 you don't want the Genie out of the bottle. バンドらの箱は開けたくないだろ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVsx5qzpAq4 1:14 They know that if I go to court and I’m given a jury I will win and that will open up Pandora's box, won't it? もしも俺が裁判所で勝ったらまずいことになるから、、だろ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xx_5PuLIzc&feature=related  1:24:35 to see just how bad things can get when the inflationary Genie escapes from the bottle, you just have to look at the example of Argentina. ハイパーインフレの脅威を知るにはアルゼンチンがいい例だろう。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6gmE3GPRqY 1:30 I think Genie is out of the bottle. 封印が解かれてしまった。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYRiCG-pFu0 4:40 how do you put the Genie back in the bottle? この銃社会をどのように治めていくのか?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwI3Nya5L9g  13:58 once the inflation Genie is out of the bottle, it's nearly impossible to put her back in. インフレという名のジェニーを一度逃がしてしまうと、捕まえてもとの瓶に閉じ込めるのは至難の業だ。

a-393 Genie was out of the bottle
a-1898 Genie is out of the bottle
a-3732 The Euroskeptic Genie is out of the bottle
a-4107 the inflation Genie that's already out of the bottle
a-8355 put the Genie back into the bottle
b-1648 put the Genie back in the bottle
b-4392 get the inflation Genie back in the bottle
b-4625 the Genie was out of the bottle
b-4914 putting the Genie back in the bottle